Corporation Inc Wiki

Standard Office

The office is a Building that lets you employ up to four workers. Offices are also the building blocks for your building.

Office Upgrades[]

Offices can be upgraded to increase worker efficiency. For instance: a deluxe office upgrade will increase the amount of money made every time a worker pushes the button.

First Tier Upgrades
Office Prerequisite Cost Effect
Office Can hire four employees
Deluxe Office Office $5,000 +$1 per Push Button
Advanced Office Deluxe Office $5,000 +$2 per Push Button
Supervisor Office Advanced Office $2,500 +5% encouraging
IT Office Office $2,500 Fix 25% faster
IT Lair IT Office
Janitor Office Office $2,500 Clean 25% faster
Janitor Lair Janitor Office

Second Tier Upgrades
Office Cost Effect
Advanced Office $5,000 +$2 per Push Button
Accounting Office $2,500 +10% Profit
HR Office $2,500 +10% HR productivity

Third Tier Upgrades
Office Cost Effect
Supervisor Office $2,500 +5% encouraging

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